Rock Posters Pop Culture Since 1971
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Joan Baez Selma Civil Rights March Protest Poster

Joan Baez Selma Civil Rights March Protest Poster

Joan Baez in front of the state capital building in Montgomery, Alabama, at the culmination of the March 26, 1965 Selma to Montgomery civil rights march led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. At the time this picture was taken Miss Baez was listening to Dr. King's speech while waiting her turn to perform before the crowd who had come from across the United States to support the Federal voting rights act and oppose segregation in schools and public places. The troopers on the top steps of the capital building are Alabama state police.
Photo: Steve Somerstein

1st and only printing of this rare historic poster.

29 x 23 inches
SKU HEAD_94BaezCops
All posters are originals in near mint or better condition unless otherwise indicated
RELATED ITEMS :: Headshop, Blacklight and Political Posters :: Joan Baez ::

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